author (compiled by): Brian Monkelbaan
blessed by (Termana Gazeteer editor): Ian "Soltares" Turner
date: 2003-05-07
status: finished

(Ian's addition) Page 34, second column, third paragraph, between the words 'Dragonport,' and 'most,' there should be a space.

Itinerary corrections on page 4:

  • Padrinola is not listed on Diago's itinerary. I suggest that it be placed between Thorvalos and Sunharrow.
  • The Charduni Empire is not listed in Nabila's itinerary. I suggest that it be placed between Sylavael (the Shield Realm) and Ehitovael (the Southsea Realm).

Features that are mentioned or listed but are not on the map:

  • The Crown and Scepter (See Rocks of Carnage on p. 36).
  • Sunhammer Plains (see Uradisa River on p. 38).
  • The Sentinels (p. 41)
  • The Jagged Waste (p.42)

On the map but not described or listed:

  • Bay of Tears (in Blood Bayou) (very brief mention is made of the bay in the Blood Bayou write-up, but it is not listed separately like all other major terrain features).
  • Dancing Woods (in Thorvalos).
  • Hills of Change (south of Azale).
  • Maratawo (in the Gamulganjus Forest) (It is not listed with the Tepuje Cities. If it is to be included with the Tepuje Cities some of the wording in the narrative might need to be changed to reflect that there would be 9 cities not 8.)
  • Narrow Reach (between Sylavael (the Shield Realm) and Ehitovael (the Southsea Realm)
  • Whitehead River (see revision for p. 41)

Minor Technical problems with the narrative:

  • On p. 20 the port of entry to Ganjulael (the Forest Realm) is listed as Uthalma. Uthalma is at least 100 miles inland.
  • On p. 29 Kalthamo is the departure harbor for Diago. Kalthamo is landlocked in the Angry Hills. Agral is the South Crilos port city closest to Endol (which is in North Crilos).
  • On p. 32 and 33 some mention should be worked in that Diago never actually visited Thorvalos. It is considerably out of his way from Sunharrow to the Blood Bayou.

Internal logic corrections by page:

PAGE 10 Corrections:

  • The Human States and the Ghoul King: Paragraph 3, Line 2
    Change: eastern Termanan coast,
    to: southwestern Termanan coast,

PAGE 14 Corrections:

  • Blood Bayou
    Change: Allies: None
    to: Allies: Padrinola
  • Add Azale, North Crilos and South Crilos to the Enemies: list.

PAGE 21 Corrections:

  • Karsian: Paragraph 1
    lists: the fortress-city of Verdasit
    should be: the fortress-city of Vorsus.

PAGE 23 Corrections:

  • North Crilos: Karsian should be moved from the Allies: section to the Enemies: list.

PAGE 28 Corrections:

  • Silverisle: Isle of the Dead should be added to the Enemies: list.

PAGE 29 Corrections:

  • South Crilos: Karsian should be moved from the Allies: section to the Enemies: list.

PAGE 34 Corrections:

  • Virduk's Promise: Column 2, paragraph 1, line 4
    Change: fringe of the Blood Bayou,
    to: fringe of the Fever Swamp,
  • Column 2, paragraph 1, line 9
    Change: The mountainous west is known
    to: The hilly east is known
  • Column 2, paragraph 5, line 7
    Change: along the western fringe
    to: along the eastern fringe
  • Column 2, paragraph 5, line 8
    Change: edge of the bayous there.
    to: edge of the hills there.
  • Column 2, paragraph 5, line 11
    Change: are often difficult to reach, plague-ridden, and
    to: are often difficult to reach and plague-ridden.
  • Column 2, paragraph 5, line 12 through 15: Delete.

PAGE 37 Corrections:

  • Hills and Mountains: The Wolf's Teeth: Lines 5 and 6
    Change: Azale and Virduk's Promise
    to: Azale and Padrinola
  • Lakes and Rivers: Chardun's Road: Lines 3 through 6
    Change: It yields some untainted freshwater fish, and also carries gold down from the Thunderspike Mountains, so a number of small fishing and prospecting settlements line its shores.
    to: It yields some untainted freshwater fish, so a number of small fishing settlements line its shores.

PAGE 38 Corrections:

  • Lakes and Rivers: Whiteflood River: Lines 1 and 2
    Change: Whiteflood River: The Whiteflood River marks the Thuvalos/Virduk's Promise frontier.
    to: Whitehead River: The Whitehead River marks the Thorvalos/Padrinola frontier.

PAGE 41 Corrections:

  • Isle of the Dead: Paragraph 1, line 1
    Change: In the years before the Titianswar,
    to: In the years after the Titianswar,
  • Paragraph 2, lines 11 and 12
    Change: During the Titianswar,
    to: Later,